Curriculum Intent


 ‘Let your light shine’ – Matthew 5:16


Our Curriculum Intent

At Whitley Memorial Church of England Primary School, we are committed to provide a fully inclusive, fun and creative education of the highest quality for all our children, no matter what their starting points may be when they join the 'Whitley Family.'


We value the uniqueness of every child. Through our broad and balanced curriculum, we ensure that every child is inspired to be the best they can be, to install our Christian core values that will support them through their life's journey and to inspire them to make a positive contribution to the community. Our Christian core values are central to everything we do: Thankfulness, Trust, Perseverance, Justice, Service, Truthfulness, Generosity, Compassion, Courage, Forgiveness, Friendship and Respect.


The design, content, implementation and evaluation of our curriculum plays a key role in how we make our school vision come to life and enable all in our school to experience life in all its fullness. 


Our 'school curriculum' is the child's whole experience at Whitley Memorial Church of England Primary School and ensures that every child is given the opportunity to 'Let Your Light Shine' and to be the best they can be to achieve their God given potential by developing the 'whole child'. 


Our curriculum has been carefully created to provide the correct balance between the progressive skills and knowledge as well as developing and applying skills, leading to better understanding and progression for the pupils and to develop a love of learning. Our curriculum is carefully sequenced so that it builds towards ambitious end points that enable children to know more and remember more.  This design ensures that pupils are prepared for their next stage of learning. It is intended that our clear progression of objectives will be followed with flexibility and imagination by the teachers using their professional judgements thoughtfully. Assessment of pupils’ prior knowledge, is carefully assessed and considered, as must pupils’ curiosity and passion for gaining new knowledge and skills.


Reading and rich vocabulary are the keys to becoming a successful learner. Therefore, this is why at Whitley Memorial Church of England Primary School we actively plan for the development of reading and acquisition of rich vocabulary in all curriculum areas.


As a Church of England school, we ensure that RE and Worship is central to the life of the school, to encourage the spiritual development of all children and adults.





As a Church of England school, we believe everyone can 'Let Your Light Shine' through:

  •          Providing an education of the highest quality within the context of Christian practice and belief
  •          Continually reviewing and refining our practice
  •          Providing encouragement and opportunities for everyone to discover and use the gifts and talents they’ve been given by God, in a safe environment
  •          Ensuring that Christian and British values are at the core of everything we do
  •          Being a fully inclusive school where all children feel safe and welcome and are encouraged to be kind, thoughtful, tolerant and respectful to all within school, the church and the wider community
  •          Having a positive approach to behaviour based on Christian principles
  •          Valuing parents as the first teachers of children and to welcome parents as partners in our school community
  •          Providing opportunities to worship together and with our local community